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imaginary authors

O, Unknown!

O, Unknown!

Regular price €98,00 EUR
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At age 65, when famed explorer and author Philip Sava was given less than a year to live, he set off from his home in Madagascar for parts unknown. Leaving all his belongings behind, he set off on foot, hopped a freighter across the Indian Ocean, and wandered into the Bangladeshi wilderness.
His journey, which lasted over a decade, took him through Nepal and Tibet where his exploration turned spiritual and into rural China where months of solitude resulted in some of the most confessional observations ever committed to paper. This is the story of a man grappling with the meaning of life as he grasps at life’s last vestiges.
  - Black Tea.
  - Lapsang Souchong Tincture.
  - Orris Butter.
  - Kyoto Moss.
  - Musk Balsam.
  - Sandalwood.
  - ???
WHEN TO WEAR THIS FRAGRANCE: At the risk of sounding bleak, this night could be your last. Splash on O, Unknown! and plunge forth into prosperity and joy. Repeat as often as you are able.


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